Cigar Application

Cigars have high requirements for the storage environment. Generally, when cigars are produced, their moisture content is 12-15%. In order to maintain the richness and flavor of cigars, they need to be controlled within a specific humidity range.


If the humidity of the cigar exceeds the range of 12-15%, it will not only be prone to mold, worm growth, slant burning, blockage, etc., but will also burn unevenly, destroying the smoke, aroma and taste of the cigar.


If the cigar is too dry, it will easily burst, crack, etc., and the essential oil contained in the cigar will also easily evaporate, causing the flavor of the cigar to disappear.


Therefore, to ensure that your cigars burn properly and maintain their richness and flavor, use a cigar humidor, which provides two-way humidity control and ensures that your cigars are stored within the appropriate humidity range so that you can enjoy all their subtleties and flavors.


Performance characteristics of hydration packs (applied to cigars)

1. Precise humidity control: It can adjust the storage environment humidity and maintain it under different precise humidity conditions such as 32%, 49%, 62%, 65%, 69%, 72%, 75%, 84%, etc.

2. Good reliability: Select high-quality moisture-conditioning agents as hygroscopic carriers, scientifically mix pure water, and develop it into a gel form, which is reliable and harmless to the human body, products, and the environment. There is no hidden danger of particle or liquid leakage during use.

3. Good humidity control: high moisture absorption and release capacity, controllable humidity control speed, both "moisture absorption" and "moisture release" performance are better than traditional granular or liquid humidity control materials.

4. Reliable packaging material: It uses two-way moisture-permeable paper packaging material, which is strong and tough. It is equipped with heat sealing process edge sealing technology and there will be no hidden dangers of leakage.

5. Easy to use: It adopts small packaging design, which is easy to use, does not take up space, and can be better integrated with the packaging.


Reference dosage of hydration pack (applied to cigars)

The maintenance of cigars requires selecting a suitable cigar humidor based on the maintenance status of the cigars, storage space, storage environment and other factors.

Number of cigars


The number of moisturizing bags used for cigars

made of different materials


Wood material

Plastic material


1 pack 10g

1 pack 10g

5-50 pieces

2 pack75g

1 pack 75g

50-100 pieces

2-4 pack 75g

2 pack 75g

100-150 pieces

4-6 pack75g

3 pack 75g

150-200 pieces

1 pack 400g

4 pack 75g


②Recommendations for using cigar humidor packs

Under normal circumstances, choose a suitable moisturizing bag model according to the ambient temperature of the cigar, except for special circumstances.

Ambient temperature

Recommended model


62% or 65% cigar humidor packs


72% or 75% cigar humidor packs


69% or 72% cigar humidor packs


method of use

How to use cigar moisturizer pack

Step 1: Place the cigars to be stored in a sealable maintenance container.

Step 2: Take out an appropriate amount of cigar moisturizing pack. Generally, the plastic packaging of the 75g moisturizing pack needs to be removed. The 10g moisturizing pack needs to be taken out directly from the ziplock bag without tearing the paper bag.

Step 3: Take out an appropriate amount of cigar moisturizer and put it into the prepared cigar care container.

Step 4: Seal the cigar care container.


Created on:2023-09-11 16:45
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